Sunrise and Sunset:
If you want
know the timings of Sunrise
and Sunset
of any locations, you can easily find it using a simple Google search. Just
Google Sunrise in
Location name or Sunset
in Location name and Google will show you a quick result.
3 Forecast:
There are many popular websites
to know the weather forecast details. But if you want to know the forecast
details quickly, Google search can do it for you. You can find the weather of
any city quickly by just Googling Forecast
in “location name”
4 Use Double Quotes to find exact match results
Using quotes
in the search query will give you the exact match and better results.
5 Do a barrel roll:
Just type Do a barrel roll in
Google search and see how your screen rotates. There are lot more funny things
to search on Google. Just continue reading to find out more.
6 Finding Specific Result from a
If you want
to get a search result from a specific website in Google, here’s how to do it.